Resources for Young People

Couple ArguingIt is hoped that findings from the From Boys to Men project will help young people to understand what is and what is not acceptable behaviour within relationships either at home or with a partner. In identifying what constitutes domestic abuse and by opening up discussions on this topic, young people can perhaps take more responsibility for their own behaviour and for their responses to the behaviour of others. The following resources are intended to help young people, particularly those who might not be entirely comfortable with the behaviour of those around them.

The phase 1 survey, aimed at 13-14 year olds, categorised the following as examples of abusive, violent or controlling behaviours:

‘Think about people you have dated, and past or current boyfriends or girlfriends have they ever:

  • pushed, slapped or grabbed you?
  • punched, kicked or choked you, or beaten you up?
  • threatened to physically hurt you?
  • pressured or forced you to have sex?
  • pressured or forced you to do anything else sexual, including kissing, hugging and touching?
  • called you nasty names to put you down?
  • stopped you from seeing your friends or family?
  • told you who you can’t speak to?
  • checked up on who you have phoned or sent messages to?
  • damaged something of yours on purpose?

Have you known anyone behave in any of these ways? Have you done any of these things yourself?

Find out what the students who took part in the From Boys to Men project thought, by reading the following bulletin: Young People Stage 1 Bulletin

Sometimes problems seem overwhelmingIf you are a victim of domestic violence or if you suspect a friend or member of your family is suffering from this type of abuse, you can get further support and information from the following organisations:


This is ABUSE campaign

The Hide Out


Cafcass (The Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service)

The following link provides further information about domestic violence, it also includes some useful resources that could be used in school. READAPt Project