Phase 1 Research Findings

The key findings from Phase 1 of the From Boys to Men Project are detailed in the following report:

Phase 1 Key Findings

The research found evidence of young people experiencing domestic violence both within relationships and at home. Young people had been victims, witnesses and perpetrators of violent or controlling behaviours. Those who experienced abusive behaviour, either as a victim or witness reported a reluctance to report such experiences to an adult or figure of authority.

Boys were more likely than girls to think it was ok for a man/woman to hit his/her partner.

34% of young people reported witnessing abuse involving an adult who looks after them.

  • Sad little boy hearing his parents arguingGirls reported witnessing more abuse than boys.
  • 27% of young people witnessed emotional abuse or controlling behaviour.
  • 19% of young people witnessed physical violence.

45% of young people reported having experienced at least one of the types of domestic abuse listed in the questionnaire.

  • 38% reported experiencing emotional abuse and controlling behaviours.
  • 17% had experienced physical abuse.
  • 14% had experienced sexual coercion.
  • Half of those who had been victimised had also been abusive.
  • Girls reported more sexual victimisation than boys

