There are indications that evidence from the Boys to Men research is impacting on practitioners working in the field of Domestic Violence. Stakeholders working in a range of capacities found the research evidence useful in supporting their own beliefs/ experiences, the research findings impacting on their confidence to continue in their work and further develop the strategies, programmes and interventions that they implement in the knowledge that they are doing what is needed.
Our programme tackles sexual violence and sexual exploitation primarily through gangs. As well as 1:1 support for victims we deliver preventative education in schools and youth settings. These are targeted programmes for single gender groups. We piloted our young men’s group work last year and are now rolling this out and this research is useful evidence of the need for the work. We also deliver professional’s training and keen to incorporate how to work with young men on these issues.
Senior Programmes Manager, Domestic Violence Support Organisation
[The research] highlights lack of support universally for this age group which is reflected in the work we do with them. Reality of accessing counselling, CJS, long term support (which is vitally important) is extremely minimal, unaccessible or lacking in its ability to provide adequate support.
Project Worker for a Women’s Refuge
Working in families where violence is a part of their lives. This research looks at the impact on boys and their future development. Any way to highlight this and ways to support them to develop is useful.
Social Worker
The research validates our professional experience and findings. It gives coherence and credibility to what we felt we knew. Thank you!
Manager of an Independent Domestic Abuse Service
The findings support my experiences as a professional. Often my clients will say how their partners experienced DV as a child so it’s no surprise they behave like this as an adult. Both victims and perpetrators have used this as an explanation for the abusive behaviour, which is concerning.
Independent Domestic Violence Adviser from a local council
Just yesterday I delivered a domestic abuse within young people’s relationships and at home; it was predominantly attended by youth offending service officers, really interesting how this research absolutely supports the experience of front line workers and the key question from yesterday – how do we move away from giving C & YP labels “victim”/”perpetrator” when they display both behaviours and are acting in both ways. How do we develop sensitive interventions that address them first as a victim and then a perpetrator?
Domestic Abuse & Sexual Violence Coordinator from a local council