Academic Publications
Fox, C.L, Gadd, D., and Sim, J. (2014) ‘Development of the Attitudes to Domestic Violence Questionnaire for Children and Adolescents’ Journal of Interpersonal Violence
Fox, C.L., and Hale, R. and Gadd, D., (2013) ‘Domestic abuse prevention education: listening to the views of young people’ Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning 14(1): 28-41 doi:10.1080/14681811.2013.816949
Fox, C. L., Corr, M-L., Gadd, D., & Sim, J. (in press). ‘Evaluating the effectiveness of domestic abuse prevention education’. Legal and Criminological Psychology. doi:Â 10.1111/lcrp.12046
Fox, C. L., Hale, R., & Gadd, D. (2013) ‘Living without fear’, Every Child Journal, 3, 46-53. pdf available
Gadd, D, (2012). ‘Domestic abuse prevention after Raoul Moat’. Critical Social Policy, 32, 495-516. (re-print, on-line).
Gadd, D. and Corr, M-L. (2015) ‘Psychosocial Criminology: Making Sense of Senseless Violence’ in J Miller and W Palacios Advances in Criminological Theory, Piscataway, NJ: Transaction Publishers. (Pre-proof available)
Gadd, D., Fox, C. and Hale, R (2014) Preliminary steps towards a more preventative approach to eliminating violence against women in Europe, European Journal of Criminology, 11(4) 464-480 doi: 10.1177/14773708135059553
Gadd, D, Corr, M-L., Fox, C.L., and Butler, I. (2014) ‘This is Abuse or Is it?’ Domestic abuse perpetrators’ responses to anti-domestic violence publicity, Crime, Media and Culture, 10(1): 3-22 doi: 10.1177/1741659013475462
Gadd, D, Fox, C.L., Corr, M-L., Alger, S., and Butler, I. (2015) Young Men and Domestic Abuse, London: Routledge